90 Day Fiance's Syngin Is OK After Breaking Ankle During Camping Trip, But Where's Tania?

Tania and Syngin talking 90 Day Fiance TLC

90 Day Fiancé star Syngin Colchester is happy to be on the mend following a very serious injury suffered while he was out traversing the wilderness on a camping trip. Fans are obviously thrilled to see that one of the franchise's most laid-back dudes is in good spirits despite his painful foibles, but those same fans are also wondering why he wasn't able to find help sooner after first breaking his ankle. Shouldn't his wife Tania Maduro have been out and about on this trip with him?

Fans asked exactly that in the comments of Syngin's Instagram post that updated everyone on the camping trip that gave him not just a broken ankle, but also a badly sprained second ankle. Check out the video below to hear Syngin documenting the injuries and his eventual rescue, while never mentioning Tania at all.

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That's a rough video to watch, especially considering one can sense the fear that Syngin felt when he realized he blew an easy shot at rescue after he denied help from passing hikers. Of course, he eventually made his way to a hospital, and he revealed in his follow-up post that he likely would have to cut his camping trip at Shenandoah National Park short due to his injuries.

90 Day Fiancé viewers were obviously happy to hear Syngin was on the mend but felt the need to ask why exactly he was in that situation without his wife Tania Maduro anywhere to be found. After all, significant others being missing in their spouse's IG stories and posts are often the first sign of trouble for stars of this franchise, but in this instance, it appears that's not the case.

Tania posted a short update to Instagram Stories to explain where she was, and what the plan is for getting Syngin back home safely. In her words:

Thank you everyone for your concerns for @Syngin_Colchester. I booked him a hotel for tonight in a town with a train so he can catch one home tomorrow. My sister will pick up, help set him up, and bring food that my gramma will make him. Typical me. I'm out of the country, and was not able to make it to VA quick enough to get him. Keep an eye out on his page because I think he has one small favor to ask soon. Thanks and much love, T.

Prior to his injury, Syngin Colchester's getaway was already a publicly known thing, with Virginia as just one stop on his long road trip through a string of parks along the eastern part of the United States. Fans previously assumed that Tania would just be at home during this road trip, but now it's known she'd traveled out of the country again while this all went down. Unfortunately, Syngin's dream vacation was cut short, but I'm sure he'll find a way back out into the wild again once his ankles are healed.

Syngin and Tania will return to television soon via 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?, with Season 6 premiering on TLC on Sunday, April 25, at 8:00 p.m. ET. Before that, 90 Day Fiancé has to wrap up its tell-all, which has already revealed some pretty surprising things.

Mick Joest
Content Producer

Mick Joest is a Content Producer for CinemaBlend with his hand in an eclectic mix of television goodness. Star Trek is his main jam, but he also regularly reports on happenings in the world of Star Trek, WWE, Doctor Who, 90 Day Fiancé, Quantum Leap, and Big Brother. He graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Radio and Television. He's great at hosting panels and appearing on podcasts if given the chance as well.