Olivia Wilde's Don't Worry Darling Trailer Sees Chris Pine Get Creepy Alongside Florence Pugh And Harry Styles

After wowing crowds and critics with Booksmart, director Olivia Wilde embarked on a project that started out rather cryptically. With a name like Don’t Worry Darling, and a pair like Florence Pugh and Harry Styles starring, this mystery was on the right track to build some buzz. After watching the first trailer for the film, which throws in a creepy Chris Pine as an added bonus, this looks like a post-atomic nightmare that’s about to get wild. 

The heart of Don’t Worry Darling’s story is something called “Project Victory.” With the simple aim of “changing the world,” Florence Pugh and Harry Styles look pretty happy together in the beginning. However, as this footage released by Warner Bros. continues to unfold, the questions about how the world will be changed start to mount. Cue the marital arguments, pursuits in the desert, and Chris Pine looking rather determined while giving a speech. 

It’s not all bad though, as we do see a slight glimpse of that steamy scene of “female pleasure” Olivia Wilde promised would be included. While the film looks to be a sinister thriller about gaslighting at its heart, it’s good to know that Wilde’s intent to bring equality in such matters to the big screen is very much present. Also, fans of the singer and the Midsommar alum just found themselves with another reason to head to the movies; and rightfully so.

It’s still tempting to circle back to the mysterious circumstances that the movie puts its characters into. Especially when you’ve got huge, building shaking forces at work, as we saw in one of the scenes that introduces us to Olivia Wilde’s own character. Though Wilde joked about being mad with how she landed the role, the actress/director looks to be another fantastic piece to this mind freak of a jigsaw puzzle.

A ton of previous fictional scenarios have flooded my mind when trying to figure out Don’t Worry Darling’s big secret. At the same time, I’m not looking to pursue them too intently, as the look and feel of the Life Itself star's latest movie is something that I’m ready to enjoy no matter what. If the filmmaker can look that freaked out while "learning the secrets" of their own film, there's clearly something special.

Though I’m still flashing back to the ending of The Village, or even the conclusion to something like The Stepford Wives, it only intrigues me further to see how this movie potentially spins those tales. Plus, as mentioned before, Harry Styles and Florence Pugh are a hard act to turn down. Putting those two halves together, with the glue of an amazing supporting cast, and you’ve got a movie that could be a sleeper hit this fall.

Don’t Worry Darling will be on hand to slowly unravel its American dream, on September 23rd. There’s still plenty of mysteries that await in the world of 2022 movie releases, so be sure to wander through that maze of information when you get a chance. You might even find some upcoming Chris Pine movies listed as well. Don't worry, we won’t tell him you looked, honest.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.