Sydney Sweeney And Glen Powell's Steamy Anyone But You Trailer Is Here, And I Get Why Those Rumors Started

Throughout the production of their film Anyone But You, actors Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell have been plagued by rumors that they were secretly dating. It’s a story that’s persisted, with some probably still thinking that these two are a thing despite Sweeney and director Will Gluck debunking those stories. No matter the validity of those thoughts, I can definitely see where those rumors got started, as the teaser for this big screen rom-com proves just how well Sweeney and Powell work on screen.

Sony Pictures has given the world its first look at director Will Gluck’s upcoming movie, and it’s a scorcher to say the least. With our lead characters Bea (Sydney Sweeney) and Ben (Glen Powell) pretending to be a couple at an Australian wedding getaway, the question of where the lines start to blur between truth and fiction is very much underlined. Even when Bea gets Ben to lower his defenses, scoring the perfect opening for a ball tap. 

Anyone But You seems to be playing the same game as its potential lovebirds, albeit in a different way. While this is supposed to be an “edgy comedy,” the trailer sells this movie with the energy of the next entry in the 50 Shades of Grey saga. Blurring the genre lines definitely helps the picture stand out, while also leaning into those Sydney Sweeney/Glen Powell rumors in a way that isn’t exploitative or cheap.

With what we know about Anyone But You, it’s no surprise that this sort of energy is infused in the new film. Especially because Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing is the loose template that the film, co-written by Will Gluck and Ilana Wolpert. Mixed in with the screwball comedy energy also cited as an influence, the picture of what to expect has become even clearer. 

It also helps that Anyone But You is yet another movie that’ll scratch the travel itch that some of the best rom-coms tend to reach. Should you need to sell anyone on going to see this flick, here’s all you need to tell them: Sydney Sweeney, Glen Powell, bathing suits, Australian scenery. If that doesn’t hook ‘em, maybe they’re not really into cinema.

Sony’s previous slow and stealthy success with No Hard Feelings bodes well for this new rom-com. Especially when Jennifer Lawrence’s remarks on why the movie went to theaters instead of streaming definitely apply to Anyone But You. Much like Ms. Lawrence, the enticing pair of Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell looks much better 12 feet tall.

Christmas looks like it’s going to get a bit sexier this year, as Anyone But You heads exclusively to theaters on December 22nd. So start pitching those Sweeney and Powell holiday movies now, so you can avoid the oncoming rush.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.