New Logan TV Spot Features A Major Comic Book Tie In And More Caliban

The 2017 superhero movie slate may be kicking off with The LEGO Batman Movie later this month, but it'll soon be followed by the staunchly different and assumedly more bloody Logan later in March. Logan has shot its way on to a lot of Must Watch lists thanks to the superb Johnny Cash-infused trailer, as well as its promise of being a true R-rated Wolverine experience. Now that we're closer to the release date, there's a new TV spot that offers one of the better looks at the Caliban, and a comic book reference that should be easily picked up by fans.

The first TV spot for Logan, "His Time has Come," has hit YouTube, and it doesn't spoil too much that hasn't already been shown in trailers. It does, however, throw in a little reference for fans of Wolverine when Logan calls himself an "old man." Logan is very loosely based on the popular comic book storyline "Old Man Logan". The Old Man Logan character has since joined the main timeline of Marvel Comics proper, replacing his dead mainstream counterpart right on time for his movie. It's a nice little shout out from Logan to one of its main inspirations...unless Logan is just calling himself that with zero self-awareness.

The trailer also offers a better look at Caliban. Played by Stephen Merchant this time around, Caliban has been glimpsed in previous trailers covered head to toe in cloth while traveling through the desert. Now we see him in his pale glory, but it's still not entirely clear how big a role Caliban plays in the movie. Caliban has the mutant ability to find any other mutant, which isn't the best power considering that mutants are dying out. It seems that he forms an alliance with Logan and crew, but Caliban has never been known to be the most trustworthy person.


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think that this TV spot is the first to tell us where Logan and Professor X are actually taking Laura. Charles Xavier mentions that they are going to where "there are more of them," which seems to be implying mutants. Are they taking Laura to a secret safe haven where mutants are still thriving, or could it be referring to something else?

Logan is directed by James Mangold and will be star Hugh Jackman's last (or so he says) time playing his iconic character. Logan finally pops its claws in theaters on March 3, 2017.

Matt Wood

Matt has lived in New Jersey his entire life, but commutes every day to New York City. He graduated from Rowan University and loves Marvel, Nintendo, and going on long hikes and then greatly wishing he was back indoors. Matt has been covering the entertainment industry for over two years and will fight to his dying breath that Hulk and Black Widow make a good couple.