Henry Cavill’s Curls Are The Real Star In First Footage For Netflix’s Enola Holmes

Enola Holmes Millie Bobby Brown looks back at the camera

As Netflix is a streaming service that doesn’t depend on theaters being open to release content, we’ve gotten some nice surprises from their generous content mill as of late. But with the first footage for their new Millie Bobby Brown film Enola Holmes released this morning, we have perhaps been blessed with the greatest gift we never knew we needed. Brace yourself, as co-star Henry Cavill is sporting curls in the teaser below, and the results are breathtaking:

While we’re not getting a full trailer for Enola Holmes just yet, the footage released to Twitter is all about introducing us to Millie Bobby Brown’s protagonist in a fun and catchy way. Based on the character created by Nancy Springer, the film is about Enola, younger sister to famous detectives Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes. If you thought seeing Henry Cavill with those curls was awesome enough on its own, then get ready for this: he’s our latest cinematic Sherlock Holmes to grace the screen.

This isn’t his adventure though, as Enola Holmes clearly nails it down by saying that Enola’s the person of interest in this particular universe. And she’s just as handy at solving mysteries and protecting herself as her brothers are, as we see Millie Bobby Brown’s would-be franchise starter fighting in alleys, puzzling things out with lettered tiles, and even showing off a little bit of disguise acumen. If she’s the one that gave her older on-screen brother hairstyling tips, then those curls are even more proof that Enola Holmes is the hero we need for today.

Of course, we’d previously seen a hint of this new development considering Henry Cavill’s Sherlock, as those first look photos released not too long ago showed us some of the goods. But seeing them in action? It’s the total opposite of the first time we saw Cavill’s mustache digitally erased from Justice League. Yes, we’re still a little touchy about that around these parts; Zack Snyder’s Justice League notwithstanding.

More importantly, the first footage for Enola Holmes shows off just how cinematic in scope this movie is actually going to be. Considering that this movie was an acquisition from Warner Bros, made during our current series of events, Netflix subscribers are about to get a pretty lush looking picture. And, of course, Millie Bobby Brown’s Enola is going to help guide us through her version of the universe inspired by, but hopefully not infringing on the copyright of, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s world of mystery.

Netflix has proven its instincts on the Sherlock Holmes canon pretty keenly in the past couple of years, as they’ve not only repeatedly had the Guy Ritchie incarnation in their digital library, but they knew well enough to pass on a bid to buy Holmes and Watson. Their latest gambit on an old favorite will be on display, alongside every inch of Millie Bobby Brown’s intellect, and Henry Cavill’s dashing curls, when Enola Holmes hits Netflix (if we’ve deciphered that tweet properly) on September 23rd.

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Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.