Outlander Season 3 Photos Tease The Big Showdown We've Been Waiting For

Outlander is only days away from returning for Season 3, and fans will get their first new episode in more than a year. The Season 2 finale ended with Jamie in serious jeopardy as he prepared to ride back to Culloden to participate in the fateful battle against the English that would see the end of the Highland way of life for the Scots. He was facing almost certain death, and even Claire didn't dare dream that he could have survived for more than 20 years. Jamie obviously isn't going to die when there are still at least a couple of seasons left in the show, and Season 3 is finally going to deliver on the showdown we've been waiting for: Jamie Fraser vs. Black Jack Randall.

We've already seen some photos of the Battle of Culloden from Jamie's side; now we also have a look at some pictures of Randall's side in the fight, and they indicate that we're in for one hell of a showdown in Season 3 between these bitter enemies. Given what Randall has done to Jamie (and poor Fergus), we can be sure that Jamie won't be inclined to any mercy, and Randall has shown that nothing will hold him back when it comes to satisfying his violent impulses. The showdown is probably going to be a bloody, bloody affair. Take a look at some of what's in store!

Warning: spoilers ahead for the Battle of Culloden in Outlander Season 3.

outlander season 3 black jack randall culloden

(Image credit: Photo courtesy of Starz)

Randall has an advantage over the Scots right off the bat, as we see he's on horseback. The majority of the Scottish warriors will likely be charging into battle on foot, and any English on horseback should be able to do a lot of damage. In the photo, Randall is still looking pretty dapper, considering he's in the middle of an apocalyptic battle. He doesn't even look dirty, whereas the Scots are filthy and sweaty and probably exhausted. He'll have all the advantages going into the battle.

outlander season 3 black jack randall jamie fraser culloden

(Image credit: Photo courtesy of Starz)

Black Jack Randall won't stay on his horse for the whole battle, however, as we see him in the thick of the action on the ground. He'll encounter Jamie once he's off his horse. Although Jamie looks pretty worse for the wear at this point, his expression indicates that Randall should rethink his strategy of standing and fighting. With the pregnant Claire sent back to the future and no future for the Highlanders, Jamie has nothing left to lose and no reason not to unleash everything on his tormenter.

outlander season 3 black jack randall jamie fraser culloden

(Image credit: Photo courtesy of Starz)

That said, Black Jack Randall isn't one to give up just because his enemy looks particularly fierce at a given moment, and he clearly has plenty of fight left in him. He has nothing left to lose either, as he has Claire's warning that he'll die on the day of the Battle of Culloden. If he can keep cool while hotheaded Jamie seeks his vengeance, Randall should be able to hold his own for a time. Just because Jamie lives doesn't mean Jamie won't end up with some serious wounds courtesy of Black Jack Randall.

We'll have to wait and see. Fortunately, Outlander will return to Starz on Sunday, September 10 at 8 p.m. ET. Our breakdown of what we know so far about Outlander Season 3 can give you a last-minute refresher on what's to come. Check out our fall TV premiere schedule for your other viewing options in the not-too-distant future.

Laura Hurley
Senior Content Producer

Laura turned a lifelong love of television into a valid reason to write and think about TV on a daily basis. She's not a doctor, lawyer, or detective, but watches a lot of them in primetime. CinemaBlend's resident expert and interviewer for One Chicago, the galaxy far, far away, and a variety of other primetime television. Will not time travel and can cite multiple TV shows to explain why. She does, however, want to believe that she can sneak references to The X-Files into daily conversation (and author bios).