Dakota Johnson's Open Door Episode: 12 Things We Learned From Her Magically Chill Home Tour

Open Door is Architectural Digest’s web-series that features home tours by famous celebrities. I’ll admit that I know very little about Dakota Johnson. I’m not into the Fifty Shades of Grey movie series and I have only seen a few movies with her in it. Therefore, I haven’t followed her press tours to get a sense of her personality and spirit, but after watching her Open Door house tour, I’m a fan of Dakota Johnson. One might even say a big fan of hers.
I’m completely convinced that we share a kinship and would, in fact, be best friends in real life. I’m sure I’m just one of the many people who now want to become Dakota Johnson’s BFF. We should now replace the Internet’s Boyfriend sensation with the Internet’s Best Friend craze, and I nominate Johnson as our first inductee. Her Open Door episode made her come off so down to earth, weird, charming, and relatable. Seriously, I will sign any petition started to get Johnson’s neighbors to mind their own business. Let her grow her bamboo as high as she wants!
For real though, let's get down to the Open Door episode, which if you haven't seen, is included below...
Open Door taught me a lot about Dakota Johnson, and now I'll share that wisdom with you.
She Loves Wood And Greenery
Dakota Johnson starts her house tour by getting straight to the point and stating that she loves wood and greenery, which explains the aesthetic of the entire place. The home feels like a magical garden tree house cabin palace. The very beautiful home gave me major home envy. I’ve always wanted a magical garden tree house cabin palace. Johnson shared that she only bought the place five years ago and it was her first home.
She Has An Interesting Connection To Ryan Murphy
Ryan Murphy lived in the home prior to Dakota Johnson’s purchase. He apparently moved out because his family grew and he needed more space. Johnson stated that The Politician creator loved the home but his family got bigger so he moved out, she then gave a little devious laugh with the word “lucky.” We love that for her.
The Inside Of Her Home Is A Blend Of Art, Vintage Furniture, And Crystals
Dakota Johnson has a lot of photography hanging up in various rooms, some personal, like her picture of her grandmother with a tiger in her home. She mentions it so casually, like everyone’s grandmother just hangs out with tigers. I mean they might, but I don’t know any of these grandmothers. She also has a framed Polaroid of Hunter S. Thompson sporting some plastic boobs. The journalist and author was her godfather and close friend with her father, Don Johnson.
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Another photograph that Johnson singles out is a photograph taken by Alice Munn, a famous photographer who takes photographs of girl marching bands in South Africa. Most of her furniture comes from vintage shops, and some come from 1stdibs. Dakota Johnson “f**king loves" 1st dibs. Her home is also filled with an extensive collection of crystals, which is so Hollywood.
She Gets Giddy About Organization
Johnson shows her collection of records during her house tour. She then gleefully shares that she recently organized them in alphabetical order. The look of accomplishment and joy on her face after sharing that detail tells me everything I need to know about Dakota Johnson.
She Appreciates The Small Things
Dakota Johnson points out that the sun reflects off her pool and shows up on the ceiling of her living room at certain times of the day. She genuinely seemed fascinated by it and its coolness. It’s the simple things that matter, and Johnson gets that.
She Loves Patti Smith
Most of the Dakota Johnson house tour involved her treating the viewers like friends by showing us the cool things that she has collected over the years. She has a very large book collection ranging from obscure books to bestselling novels. Johnson also shared her extreme love of the musician and poet Patti Smith. She revealed that she told Patti Smith about her admiration and she now has a bunch of notes from her in those books. Now Dakota Johnson has given me book envy.
Her Dog Zeppelin Is A Star
Dakota Johnson has a big portrait of her dog Zeppelin hanging in her living room. He runs this house as much as her, and joined along with the tour, often popping up with various toys. He even refused to try to chase a ball that was clearly lost. We respect a dog that knows when to cut his losses. Zeppelin was definitely the scene-stealer of the Open Door house tour.
She Left Her Bedroom A Mystery
One of the only parts of Dakota Johnson’s house that she left hidden away was her bedroom. This made us wonder what exactly was going on in that bedroom? Did she have some lover hidden in there while the tour was going on? Did she have a huge TV in there with a continuous loop of Cake Boss reruns playing? Was there more crystals and shrines in there? Or was it just really messy? We wanted to know, and Johnson’s sly look when she denied access to it proved that she knew we wanted to know, but would never let us find out.
She Gives Great Advice
Johnson’s house tour was full of advice and wisdom, like “the only difference between a flower and a weed is judgment,” something she learned from a teabag fortune. Some other advice she gave was that if expensive furniture shouldn’t go outside but looks good out there, then put it outside because “who cares?” I feel so liberated now that Johnson has deemed it okay to let your freak furniture flag fly. Everyone should remove their delicate furniture from their homes and only leave it outside. It’s time for a furniture revolution!
We Know Where The Bodies Are Buried
Specifically one body, as in her cat, Chicken. Dakota Johnson decided to inform us that her cat Chicken is buried in her backyard. R.I.P Chicken.
She Doesn’t Get Dish People
Dakota Johnson discussed how she doesn’t understand why people have china cabinets and collect dishes. Honestly, same, because, controversial, but I believe that dishes are meant to be used and not stored away for special occasions.
…But She’s Not Above Being Impressed By Great Dishes
This confusion about dish people was to preface her showing us her very cute collection of dishes. I still don’t get dish people, but Johnson’s exclamation when mentioning her “so cool!” dishes almost made me understand dish people.
To honor the Internet’s Best Friend Dakota Johnson let’s binge-watch a few of her movies, like Suspiria, Bad Times at the El Royale, and The Peanut Butter Falcon, while we enjoy our basic homes.
Spent most of my life in various parts of Illinois, including attending college in Evanston. I have been a life long lover of pop culture, especially television, turned that passion into writing about all things entertainment related. When I'm not writing about pop culture, I can be found channeling Gordon Ramsay by kicking people out the kitchen.