Tom Holland Asked If Spider-Man Should Cut His Hair, Ryan Reynolds Turned It Into A Dirty Joke

Some superheroes are just born to work together. Whether it's a pair of DC icons like Batman and Superman, or two clawed X-Men badasses such as X-23 and Wolverine, watching a set of comic book heroes play off of each other is something that we will never get tired of seeing. One of the most commonly demanded silver screen pairings is a team-up between Spider-Man and Deadpool, and a recent exchange between Tom Holland and Ryan Reynolds proved that it seriously needs to happen at some point. Check out what took place when Holland used Twitter to ask his fans if he should get a haircut for his next movie.

That seems like a relatively harmless tweet, right? Tom Holland is considering buzzing his head for an upcoming project, and he simply wants to know whether or not his online followers think it is a good idea. Despite the fact that it is a seemingly innocuous social media post, Deadpool actor Ryan Reynolds saw it and quickly opted to add his usual, uncomfortable spin to things.

Is that a really bizarre way to respond to question about a haircut? Of course it is. Does it make us endlessly uncomfortable? Obviously. Is it something that we would expect Ryan Reynolds to say? Absolutely.

However, things got even weirder when Tom Holland decided to take the ball back from Ryan Reynolds and responded in a way that likely made Reynolds very proud. Not willing to be outdone by Wade Wilson, this is how Holland capped off their social media exchange.

This exchange doesn't specifically address the Deadpool/Spidey dynamic, but that doesn't mean that it does not have some profound implications. Spider-Man and Deadpool have amazing chemistry with one another in Marvel comics, and online banter shown here between Tom Holland and Ryan Reynolds indicates that there is at least some potential for magic if these actors get to work together. There are plenty of reasons to want Marvel Studios, 20th Century Fox, and Sony to come to an agreement over the mutual use of Marvel characters, but a chance to see Tom Holland's Spider-Man and Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool play off of each other is easily one of the best arguments. Think about it; the possibilities are seemingly endless.

Only time will tell if these two real life superheroes will ever bring their alter egos together on the silver screen, but for now, we can look forward to their next solo outings. Tom Holland will don the red and blue pajamas when Spider-Man: Homecoming debuts in theaters on July 7, 2017, and Ryan Reynolds will return as Wade Wilson when Deadpool 2 premieres next summer on June 1, 2018. Here's everything that we currently know about Spider-Man: Homecoming and Deadpool 2, respectively.

Conner Schwerdtfeger

Originally from Connecticut, Conner grew up in San Diego and graduated from Chapman University in 2014. He now lives in Los Angeles working in and around the entertainment industry and can mostly be found binging horror movies and chugging coffee.