New Evidence Indicates Ben Affleck And Jennifer Lopez's New Relationship May Be Moving Really Fast

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez getting closer for a kiss in Gigli.

There was a time when a celebrity couple known as “Bennifer” ruled the screen and the press with their love. That era looks to be resurging as of late, with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez’s reconnection in light of recently ended relationships. It seemed like things were moving fast, and there’s brand new evidence that supports this claim. Namely because Lopez herself seems to be making a move from Miami to the West Coast in the near future.

How serious does this new development sound, you may ask? Well, according to E! News, a source close to Jennifer Lopez has indicated that she is already looking at schools for her children to attend in Los Angeles. Not only that, but Lopez is also reportedly gathering her things from her current Miami property, in preparation to make L.A. her new primary residence.

It feels like only yesterday that we’d first read reports that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez were seeing each other for the first time in a while. As time progressed, that big vacation to Montana seemed to be the first real spark that heralded the second age of Bennifer. This budding romance has only sped up over time, with reports coming in fast and furious from various sources that Affleck and Lopez have fallen for each other yet again. So having this pair potentially living much, much closer to each other is certainly the stuff that rumors are made of.

The news has certainly drawn its fair share of commentary from those in the lives of both Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. Affleck’s father in particular kind of wishes that the press would focus on his son’s charity work, but he doesn’t seem to be outwardly opposed to the relationship. And then there’s the excitement we’ve seen from outsiders like Jennifer Lawrence, who had a bit of a viral moment when she announced this news to some friends with a huge tone of enthusiasm.

It’s hard not to get excited about the potential on display here, as a fan of either half of this power couple. Both Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have seemingly suffered some significant heartbreaks in recent months. As Affleck’s relationship with ex-girlfriend Ana de Armas fell through not too far from when the dissolution of the engagement between Lopez and ex-fiancée Alex Rodriguez landed, one could say it felt like fate opening a door.

Who’s to say that this new chapter in the story of the couple formerly known as Bennifer will led to a fairy tale ending? Not to mention, who knows if they’ll actually keep that portmanteau, should they start dating again. All one can really hope for is for Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, and their respective families to move forward into this potentially L.A. based future as happily as possible. Though not so secretly, you can already tell where the public’s mind is set on the matter.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.