Fresh Trailer: Sebastian Stan Is Hollywood’s Most Charismatic Cannibal In Intense New Horror Film

Sebastian Stan has quite a range when it comes to figures of infamy. His work as the Winter Soldier in MCU, as well as the role of Tommy Lee in Hulu’s Pam And Tommy, has proven that well enough in recent years. However, in the trailer for the new Hulu original movie Fresh, Mr. Stan is about to show his teeth as Hollywood’s most charismatic cannibal; which is all at once hysterical and frightening.

This first look, released by Searchlight Pictures, starts out like you’d expect: Noa (Daisy Edgar-Jones, fresh off of Hulu’s rather steamy hit series Normal People) is trying to date in the modern world. Looking for the right guy to spend her time with, she stumbles upon Steve (Stan) at, where else, the supermarket. The good news is that, for a time, things look great for Noa and Steve. The bad news is, it looks like our antagonist seems to be playing with his food; which is just the beginning of what’s to come.  

Fresh isn’t ready to give up too many secrets just yet, as its trailer moves from a more standard pacing to a lot of quick cuts of sinister imagery. When it does manage to linger, it’s on something that’s absolutely worth pulling out of context. And most of what it decides to spend its time on is the horror of Ms. Jones and the gleeful evil of Mr. Stan. As far as teases go, this one’s pretty intense. So much so that you may want to keep your Hulu subscription current, or at least renew it for the month of March. 

It’s rather refreshing that we as an audience have been given a pretty mysterious trailer, especially for a movie that’s still indulging in the mouthwatering buzz it received at Sundance. Our own Sean O’Connell saw the film during its festival run, and his feedback dives a little deeper into what you can expect from Fresh. So if you really want to know what to expect, you can dig in at your own peril.

Frankly, I’m not in a rush to cut to the bone of what this movie is offering. More movies, especially horror genre fare, could benefit from a vague approach to marketing. All anyone should really need is Sebastian Stan’s charming grin and the quick cut montage set to the Yeah Yeah Yeah’s “Heads Will Roll” to be sold on what looks like a cousin to the exploits seen in another horror classic, American Psycho. It’s best not spoil the main course with too rich of an appetizer beforehand.

Fresh debuts exclusively on Hulu, starting March 4th. To take a look at what else is on the cinematic menu for the year ahead, may I recommend the 2022 movie releases? It pairs well with trying to get a hungry Sebastian Stan out of our nightmares. 

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.