Stardust Already Announced For DVD?

Stardust is still in theaters, but Paramount is already paving the way for its upcoming DVD release. Although no information has appeared through Paramount’s official channels, DVD Active has gotten their hands on a release date and a list of extras we can expect to see on the Matthew Vaughn adaptation.

Paramount has announced a December 18th release date for Stardust on DVD, with a surprisingly small amount of bonus material, particularly for such a massive fantasy story. Currently announced is a making-of featurette titled “Good Omens” (a play on the title of another novel by author Neil Gaiman), five deleted scenes, and a blooper reel. That’s it. No commentary by either Gaiman or Vaughn, no look at special effects, nothing.

This is quite a disappointing announcement, which leads me to believe there’s more coming, either another announcement for this DVD release or a planned “special edition” down the line somewhere. There’s also no mention of the movie’s availability on HD DVD, which I would expect Paramount to be heavily promoting considering last week’s big news about moving exclusively to HD DVD as their high definition format.

Yes, something smells amiss about this announcement. We’ll update as we find out more, including a look at the release’s artwork.

UPDATE: Paramount now says that DVD Active is incorrect. No announcement has been made regarding the impending release of Stardust on DVD. We'll let you know when they send us an official date!