Timely Release: Dallas Season 14 Coming To DVD

The last season of Dallas will appear in a five-disc DVD collector’s set on January 18. Season 14, which ran from 1990- 1991, unfolded after J.R.'s infamous shooting, but it still left its audience with a bang in its finale.

It’s hard to blame important series for their later seasons, and Dallas is no exception. It’s kind of like Jersey Shore (whose second season hit stores on December 28) in that way. Or maybe the more astute comparison would be E.R., whose 14th season also comes out this month, on January 11. As with E.R.'s later days, season 14 of Dallas wouldn’t be remembered as the show's high point, but it is worth it if you’re hoarding the entire collection.

Before this becomes more of a list on releases than a story on Dallas, I’ll just go ahead and let you know there won’t be any special features. How dare they not rightly predict that special features would be the norm 20 years later, right? In other news, for those of you who are waiting for Dallas: The Movie Collection, you’ll have to keep you oil-loyal attitudes in check until April 12.

Until then, remember: Dallas doesn’t suck. You suck. Dallas rules.