New Line Gives You Zombies On A Plane!

If Snakes on a Plane wasn’t silly enough, New Line is taking flight danger to the next level with their DVD release Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane. That’s right: Zombies on a plane!

Much like SoaP, the story for Flight of the Living Dead tries to rationalize the outrageously silly plot – a scientist is secretly bringing a corpse infected with a deadly virus across country on a plane. The plane hits turbulence, the corpse breaks free, and chaos ensues. The government refuses to let the plane land, stranding the passengers in the air with the zombie threat spreading. The direct to DVD movie stars David Chisum, Kristen Kerr, Mieko Hillman and Heidi Marnhout.

The DVD release will include a feature commentary from director Scott Thomas and producer David Shoshan and a commentary by the editors as well as a gag reel. No package artwork is available yet, but here’s a still from the movie of Erick Avari under attack: