MST3K Gets 20th Separate DVD Release

If you’ve ever played that game where you mute terrible films and improv your own dialogue, you’ve probably realized by now that you can’t beat the machinations of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 team. Mystery Science Theater 3000 hasn’t been on the air since 1999, but that isn’t stopping the 20th disc set from hitting DVD on March 8th, 2011. The aptly titled XX set is still full of surprises, with Shout! Factory withholding information concerning special features, but following the other 19 sets, the Comedy-Central-to-Syfy series is not ready for any fancy Blu-Ray discs.

If you aren’t a huge fanboy and don’t own all the other sets, you can get volumes I through XIX of the series online or in stores now. The only appeal I’d say the new set has is some awesome cover art. And the obvious appeal for fanboys: some new episodes to salivate over -- The Magic Voyage of Sinbad, Project Moonbase, Master Ninja I, and Master Ninja II to be exact.

(Improv your own funny last comment here).