Boxing Billy Bob

Boxing Billy Bob sounds like a sequel to Boxing Helena with an all male cast. I’d give anything for that to end up being the title of Billy Bob Thornton’s next movie, which according to THR will be a boxing movie based on a novel from the author of Million Dollar Baby. The book is called Pound for Pound, so odds are that will be the title, but I’m going to keep right on rooting for Boxing Billy Bob.

The book’s author, F.X. Toole died before completing it, and was then released posthumously even though somewhat unfinished. It’s about a widowed boxer and contender named Dan Cooley, dealing with depression as his only remaining relative, his grandson, is killed in a car accident. In parallel the book tells the story of an up and coming Latino fighter whose life intersects with Cooley’s in unexpected ways. Billy Bob will play Cooley and the independently financed film will be directed by Ron Shelton.

Josh Tyler