Day Of The Dead Returns

Third time really is a charm. According to Variety, George A. Romero's 1985 bloodbath Day Of The Dead is being remade and released by Millennium Films. It is the third sequel to Night Of The Living Dead and Dawn Of The Dead.

The second remade sequel, Dawn Of The Dead, hit theaters last year and grossed $102 million worldwide. The original Day Of The Dead film took place in a world overrun by pesky zombies set on extracting a group of scientists and military personnel confined in an underground bunker. The success of the recent horror craze has encouraged producers to jump on any new remake they can sink their teeth into, no pun intended.

Land Of The Dead another Romero project, is slated for a June 24th release. The studio screened the first 14 minutes of it during the Cannes Film Festival, to get people excited about it. Hard for me to get excited about further rehashing and lack of originality, but Hollywood must give the masses what it wants. And we must report on it.