The Weekend Blend 3/25 – 3/27

3/25 – 3/27 New movies come out each weekend; come here to find out which slavishly sinful comic book adaptation is grappling with Queen Latifah’s girth. Two new wide releases this weekend, with a lot of expanding limited releases to hunt down. Keep reading to find out how you should spend your movie going weekend:

Misc. Limited Releases

(Opening on fewer than 500 screens.)

If you’re sharp, you can catch one of the sneak screenings of the Red Sox based rom-com Fever Pitch this weekend. I’m not sure why you’d want to, but I’m throwing it out there just in case. In the realm of legitimate limited releases, Melinda & Melinda expands to 150 theaters this weekend. One of those 150 is in Dallas, so if you’re at Loew’s Cityplace on Saturday there’s a good chance you’ll bump in to me. It’s the worst theater in town, but apparently my only Woody Allen watching option. Also expanding is The Ballad of Jack and Rose into the top twenty US markets and The Upside of Anger into 1000 theaters. The new limited of note is Kontroll, a Hungarian movie about subway workers. It’s starting out at just one theater in New York City, so give it a few weeks to expand before you start looking for it in a major city near you.

Beauty Shop

(Opened 3/30 on 2659 screens.)

Don’t be shocked if Beauty Shop trumps Sin City for this week’s number one. It got the jump by opening on Wednesday, and offers wider (if inferior) appeal than a slavish translation of an obscure comic book that few have ever even heard of much less care about. The Beauty Shop cast is everywhere, whoring themselves out, flooding American media with talk show advertisements for their ghetto hair-care related Barbershop spinoff. People are going to see it. If we’re lucky, they’ll also hate it. The concept wasn’t that funny when it starred Ice Cube, recasting him as Queen Latifah does little to improve it.

Sin City

(Opens on 3000 screens.)

Violent, gory, risky, and experimental, Sin City is a cinematic explosion. Someone has finally figured out how to make good use of digital filmmaking. No Sky Captain fans, I’m sorry to tell you it isn’t meant for GIANT FREAKIN ROBOTS. Digital filmmaking exists to make movies like Sin City. Above and beyond anything Rodriguez before, this is an amazing experience, not to be missed. Three distinct stories told in a way you’ve never seen before and may never see again. Rodriguez slavish devotion to the comic on which the movie is based has paid off in huge dividends to create what feels like an entirely new form of film noire. Tortured, dark and filled with revenge, it’ll blow your mind. Don’t sit at home, you have to see it.

Still In Theaters and Worth Your Time: Guess Who, Hostage, Million Dollar Baby, Be Cool