Bruno Running As The Bull In Spain

For some reason, the Bruno promotion machine just isn’t working for me. It seems as though the character is going to outstay his welcome long before the movie is even released. Bruno’s stunts seem far more scheduled and rehearsed than Borat’s did when he was out promoting the movie a couple of years ago, and when his subjects are aware of the fabrication of the character, it’s extremely hard to care about their reactions.

For instance, the photo to your right surfaced on USA Today. Yep, that's Bruno in a bull suit, randomly hanging out in the streets of Spain for no apparent reason.

Not all of Bruno's random appearances are neceesarily an epic fail though. For instance, to add to the authenticity of the character (a gay fashionista), GQ shot a cover photo spread and story based on Bruno. They're worth a laugh. See a couple images from the GQ photoshoot below, click over there to see more.